Glossary of ingredients

DJK Products

DJK Charcoal Face Wash, DJK Charcoal Face Mask.

Health Benefits

Activated charcoal works because it chemically binds other substances to its surface and can absorb thousands of times its own weight. It also has an incredibly large surface area due to all of its pores — one cubic inch of charcoal has the surface area equivalent to a 13935.5 square meters field. This is why just a bit of charcoal can absorb so many toxins, atoms, and ions. Because activated charcoal removes toxins, it can help reduce the instances of acne and other skin impurities you might suffer from. It also works wonders for completely removing makeup.

DJK Products

DJK Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Shaving Gel, DJK Holistic Toner, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Charcoal Face Mask, DJK Holistic Face Mask, DJK Body Butters, DJK Baby Butter.

Health Benefits

Various studies have been conducted to examine the benefits of the aloe vera plant and it was found that aloe vera does in fact have several properties that are effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, from flaky or dry skin, hair and scalp problems to many more.

It is also said to be useful in treating wounds and burns, minor skin infections, and shows some promise in treating more serious and persistent conditions such as eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, canker sores, skin ulcers and others, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Aloe vera helps with sunburn through its powerful healing activity at the epithelial level of the skin, a layer of cells that cover the body. It acts as a protective layer on the skin and helps replenish its moisture. Because of its nutritional qualities and antioxidant properties, the skin heals quicker. Aloe vera gel can be used as an aftershave treatment as its healing properties can treat small cuts caused by shaving.

Aloe vera gel contains two hormones: auxin and gibberellins. These two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation. Gibberellins in aloe vera acts as a growth hormone stimulating the growth of new cells. It allows the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal scarring. Aloe vera is used to effectively heal chronic skin problems, such as psoriasis, acne and eczema.

As we age, everyone begins to worry about the appearance of fine lines and the loss of elasticity in their skin. Aloe leaves contain a plethora of antioxidants including, beta carotene, vitamin C and E that can help improve the skin’s natural firmness and keep the skin hydrated.

The skin is like one big piece of elastic that expands and contracts as needed to accommodate growth. But if the skin stretches too far, too fast (due to pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss) the elasticity of the skin can be damaged. That’s what leaves those unsightly stretch marks. These marks appear due to minor tears in the layers of the skin caused by sudden and excessive stretching. Aloe vera gel can help hide these stretch marks by healing these wounds.

DJK Products

DJK face masks, DJK moisturisers and DJK scrubs.

Health Benefits

Alpha hydroxy acids are naturally occurring acids found in certain fruits such as grapes, apples and citrus. In skincare they are used to assist with exfoliation of the outer layers of dead skin cells. They act by dissolving the glue between the outer cells in the skin allowing them to separate and be readily washed away. High levels of specific alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid are used as chemical peels. However at DJK we limit ourselves to low levels of fruit-based alpha hydroxy acids.

DJK Products

All DJK products contain natural antioxidants.

Health Benefits

Skin cells are damaged and break down due to heat and light (UV) energy that breaks down chemical bonds. This reaction operates like a chain reaction and can be catastrophic unless stopped. Antioxidants operate by attaching themselves to the broken chemical bonds thereby stopping the chain reaction. Antioxidants are found in skincare in sources of vitamin C, E and A as well as many phytosterols.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil.

Health Benefits

Apricot kernel oil is an oil, derived from the pip of the apricot. It is a light oil that is easily absorbed by the skin and is well tolerated even by sensitive skins. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic qualities and is rich in antioxidants notably vitamin E making it an excellent moisturiser. Cosmetic grades are cold pressed ensuring no loss of precious antioxidant properties. The oil is rich in omega fatty acids and phytosterols.

DJK Products

DJK face washes, DJK Holistic Shampoo, DJK Holistic Conditioner, DJK Holistic Body Wash.

Health Benefits

Avocado oil moisturises the skin. Avocado oil applied topically helps relieve dry and itchy skin. Once applied, avocado oil is deeply absorbed by the skin, thus making it an ideal moisturiser and skincare agent. It boosts scalp health. In addition to helping clear scaly skin, it can also relieve itchy scalp symptoms. Avocado oil, when regularly applied to the scalp, can stimulate hair growth. In skincare it can increase collagen production. When applied, avocado oil increases the production of collagen, which helps keep the skin plump and decreases the effects of aging. Avocado oil is useful in the treatment of a variety of skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

Avocado oil facilitates the healing of wounds and burns to the skin. It also helps to relieve and heal diaper rash.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Baobab oil is an excellent moisturiser and ideal for numerous cosmetic applications. It is one of the few oils, which is added in its raw state in cosmetic products. Baobab oil is one of the most prominent oils from Africa. The healing therapeutic properties of baobab oil are:

  • Emollient: An excellent moisturiser for the skin.
  • Insulator: Protects the skin from excessive high and low temperatures.
  • Rejuvenator: Promotes rejuvenation of skin cells.
  • Non-siccative: It does not dry for a long time.
  • Cicatrizant: Promotes wound healing.
  • Antioxidant: Prevents the skin from free radical damage.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Due the presence of omega fatty acids.

DJK Products

DJK Kigelia Body Balm and DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser.

Health Benefits

Bulbine frutescens is one of nature’s finest medicinal plants. It’s a remarkable first aid medicine chest all in one amazingly effective to take care of a wide range of skin conditions and wounds. The list is almost endless: acne, burns, blisters, cold sores , cracked lips, cracked fingers, nails and heels, insect bites, itchy places, fever blisters, mouth ulcers, sunburn, arthritis, eczema, rashes and ringworm. It’s also very effective for treating wounds, sores and rashes on animals.

DJK Products

DJK Baby Water, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Baby Oil.

Health Benefits

Chamomile has been used since ancient times for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile has been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep aid, treatment for fevers, colds, stomach ailments, and as an anti-inflammatory, to name only a few therapeutic uses. Chamomile may be used internally or externally. Extensive scientific research over the past 20 years has confirmed many of the traditional uses for the plant and established pharmacological mechanisms for the plant’s therapeutic activity, including antiseptic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-allergenic activity.

Recent and on-going research has identified chamomile’s specific anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, anti-allergenic and sedative properties, validating its long-held reputation. This attention appears to have increased the popularity of the herb and nowadays Chamomile is included as a drug in the pharmacopoeia of 26 countries.

DJK Products

DJK Arthro-Ease Balm

Health Benefits

Camphor oil can be used in the treatment of nervous depression, acne, inflammation, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, sprains, rheumatism.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Make-Up Remover, DJK Hypoallergenic Face Wash, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Holistic Body Scrub, DJK Baby Body Wash and Shampoo.

Health Benefits

Citric acid is a naturally occurring fruit acid found in apples oranges and many other vegetables and fruits.

In natural cosmetics it is used to adjust the pH when necessary and it also operates as a mild alpha hydroxy acid and assists in the exfoliation process when it is added in the necessary quantity.

It also offers a number of other positive benefits, such as a natural antioxidant and it can effectively treat those nasty age spots. In the skincare industry, citric acid is also used for its astringent and skin lightening properties.

DJK Products

DJK Baby Oil.

Health Benefits

The therapeutic properties of citronella oil are antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorant, insecticidal. Furthermore, citronella oil helps to clear the mind and has a general toning and tonic effect on the body. It is helpful with colds, flu and minor infections and also has deodorising qualities as well as fighting intestinal parasites and bringing down fever.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Make-Up Remover, DJK Holistic Face Wash, DJK Holistic Body Wash, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub, DJK Hypoallergenic Face Wash, DJK Hypoallergenic Body Wash, DJK Charcoal Face Wash, DJK Hand and Nail Cream, DJK Body Butter, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Baby Body Wash and Shampoo, DJK Holistic Shampoo, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Arthro-Ease Balm, DJK Kigela Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Traditionally, coconut oil has been praised and popularised for its anti-aging properties.

The unique medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil have antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, and they also serve as antioxidants that protect your skin. So coconut oil is essentially food for your skin.

Coconut oil is rich in many proteins. These proteins keep skin healthy and rejuvenated, both internally and externally. Proteins also contribute to cellular health and tissue repair, along with a wide range of other essential activities within the body. For any damaged cells on or near the skin, a healthy of flow of proteins guarantees their replacement at a normal rate, whereas people with protein-deficient diets heal slower and often develop more obvious scars due to the extended healing time.

The best property of coconut oil that makes it so beneficial for skin is that it does not become rancid. It assists in stabilising the oils and butters used in many products.

It is used as one of the ingredients in our castile soaps.

DJK Products

DJK Kigelia Body Balm and DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser.

Health Benefits

Coumarins are natural compounds found in plants and derived from the amino acid phenylalanine. It creates the fragrance in fresh-mowed hay. More than 300 coumarins have been identified from natural sources, especially green plants. Simple coumarins are potent antioxidants and therefore provide major anti-ageing benefits by stopping free radical breakdown in the skin cells. They are common constituents of the phyto active plant extracts that are added to many of our products.

DJK Products

DJK Arthro-Ease Balm.

Health Benefits

The therapeutic properties of eucalyptus oil are analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, rubefacient, stimulant, vermifuge and vulnerary.

It soothes inflammation and eases mucus, clearing the head from the stuffiness of colds and hay fever, used for muscular aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains and poor circulation.

In skincare it can be used for burns, blisters, herpes, cuts, wounds, skin infections and insect bites. It can furthermore boost the immune system.
Eucalyptus oil is very helpful when used for muscular aches and pains and in skincare. It has a soothing and calming effect on the whole body and helps with the immune system.

The oil is also effective against bacteria — especially staphylococci and has a refreshing and stimulating action on the mind, helping to improve concentration.

DJK Products

DJK Kigelia Body Balm and DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser.

Health Benefits

Bioflavonoids in topical application perform a multitude of well-known functions, including the reported enhancing effect on vitamin C and vitamin E, effectively boosting the function of these powerful antioxidant vitamins. It is perhaps this property alone that makes bioflavonoids a useful addition to skincare formulations.
The most common flavonoids in skincare are from the herb family, and also from many of our plant extracts. They exhibit a variety of properties including:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Astringent
  • Antimicrobial
  • Free radical scavenger
  • UV absorption
  • Anti-lipid peroxidation
  • Cell membrane protection
  • Anti-tyrosinase activity
  • Deodorant
  • Anti-erysipelas (streptococcus bacterial infection)

DJK Products

DJK Frangipani Body Butter, DJK Baby Oil.

Health Benefits

Wonderful sweet smelling essential oil, which comes from the plumeria flower. Ancient Indians have believed the plumeria plant to be the ‘Tree of Life’ due to its healing capacity. The oil itself is said to rejuvenate and refresh the mind, body, and spirit. Used to treat hypersensitive skin, properties include soothing, astringent, anti-inflammatory, skin cell renewal, anti-depression, anti-fatigue and pain relief.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Make-Up Remover, DJK Holistic Face Wash, DJK Holistic Body Wash, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub, DJK Hypoallergenic Face Wash, DJK Hypoallergenic Body Wash, DJK Charcoal Face Wash, DJK Hand and Nail Cream, DJK Body Butter, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Baby Body Wash and Shampoo, DJK Holistic Shampoo, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Arthro-Ease Balm, DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Glycerine is well known for its many uses for skincare. Glycerine on skin works as humectant, which is why it attracts moisture onto your skin. It has many other benefits for the skin and beauty care. It can stimulate our skin cells to rejuvenate them, and therefore is used in many skincare products, such as soaps, body lotions and moisturisers, body scrubs, face packs and face masks, as well as hair shampoos and conditioners.

Glycerine, also called glycerol, can be used on all types of skin including oily skin. It is used to treat many oily skin conditions, like acne, skin infections, wrinkles and fine lines. And if you have dry skin on your face, you can apply glycerine topically onto your face to increase and lock in moisture on the skin to cure the dryness. It gives you moisturized and cleansed skin, without any side effects.

Only vegetable based glycerine is used by DJK. It used to be a natural byproduct in many natural soaps however, recently it is usually extracted before the soaps are sold as it has commercial value as a chemical.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Make-Up Remover, DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Body Butter, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Hand and Nail Cream, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser, DJK Kigelia Body Balm, DJK Arthro-Ease Balm.

Health Benefits

This carrier oil has a fine texture and is almost odourless, light in texture and is easily absorbed by the skin. It has mildly astringent qualities which help to tighten and tone the skin, which makes it useful for acne and other skin complaints. It is rich in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid quite important for the skin and the cell membranes.

Grape seed oil has regenerative and restructuring virtues and has great skin moisturising properties.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser.

Health Benefits

Collagen provides structural support for skin and other connective tissues like joints, ligaments and muscles. Collagen is responsible for the skin’s strength and resilience as well as the smooth, plump appearance of young healthy skin.

Produced by special cells called fibroblasts, collagen production occurs continuously throughout our lives. However, with time collagen levels start to decline — there is a drop in production and an increase in degradation. The collagen structure becomes more fragile and brittle leading to a weakening of the skin’s structural support. The skin loses volume and firmness and starts to thin and wrinkle. The reduction in collagen production also results in the loss of hyaluronic acid further impacting on the hydration and suppleness of the skin.

With daily use, the skin starts to feel more hydrated and firm. Wrinkles will appear reduced and the skin regains its radiance.

DJK Products

All DJK moisturisers, all DJK body butters, DJK Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Butter.

Health Benefits

Jojoba is known as the superfood of the skin. It is a deeply penetrating oil that provides long lasting moisturising as well as anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It balances the natural production of the skins oil.

DJK Products

DJK Arthro-Ease Balm, DJK Kigelia Body Balm, DJK Sunscreen SPF30.

Health Benefits

This extract is derived from the large sausage-shaped fruit of kigelia africana or kigelia pinnata, also known as the African sausage tree.

The traditional use of kigelia fruit in Africa has been both medicinal, as a treatment for skin complaints from eczema to skin cancer and cosmetic as a preparation to firm and enhance skin tissue. Several scientific studies in recent years suggest that kigelia may indeed have remarkable healing and conditioning effects on the skin. Uses for kigelia fruit extract include anti-ageing and regenerating skin, after-sun treatment and skin tightening. Extracts of kigelia have been shown to be more effective than indomethacin, a potent synthetic anti-inflammatory. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

DJK Products

DJK Arthro-Ease Balm.

Health Benefits

Kombo butter (pycnanthus anglensis) offers many wonderful benefits for our skin. Kombo butter is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and antiseptic. It is used with essential oils for aching joints and muscles and for dry or irritated skin conditions. Kombo butter is high in myristoleic acid. Myristoleic acid is used to treat pain in the muscles and joints for arthritis and gout.

DJK Products

DJK Hypoallergenic Face Wash, DJK Hypoallergenic Body Wash, DJK Baby Wash and Shampoo, DJK Holistic Shampoo.

Health Benefits

Lauryl glucoside is a non-ionic surfactant that can be used as a foaming agent, conditioner or emulsifier. Lauryl glucoside has excellent foaming capacity and good dermatological compatibility. Therefore, it is suitable for use as a base surfactant or a co-surfactant in cosmetic surfactant cleansing preparations.
Lauryl glucoside is derived from coconut and has an excellent and stable foam. Lauryl glucoside is useful in haircare products where it aids hair cleaning abilities.

Lauryl glucoside can be used alongside other glucosides to enhance the foam and skin conditioning properties. Lauryl glucoside can also be used in ionic formulations to add foam depth and emulsifying properties.

Lauryl glucoside is biodegradeable.

DJK Products

DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Baby Body Wash and Shampoo.

Health Benefits

Used externally to treat most types of burns, including sunburn, rheumatism, muscular pains, neuralgia, cold sores, insect bites, head lice.
On the skin, lavender oil tones and revitalises and it is useful for all types of skin problems, such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings. It also acts as an insect repellent.

It has an analgesic effect on the skin, which helps with pain relief, but it is the antiseptic and stimulant properties that make it very effective for use on wounds and burns.

It is mainly used for its antiseptic and anti-dandruff properties but it also has antibacterial, spasmolytic (relieving spasms) and local pain killing actions.
In addition, contains ursolic acid, which is not only antibacterial, but it is also active against lipid oxidation and inhibits elastase, which results in tissue degeneration and inflammatory processes as well as tissue degradation such as psoriasis and eczemas.

The rosmarinic acid and polyphenolic derivatives have good antioxidant properties, which is helpful in countering aging.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Body Wash, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub.

Health Benefits

Lemon grass can be used externally to treat ringworm, lice, athletes foot, arthritis and scabies. It is used to normalise and balance overactive oil glands, dandruff and similar skin problems. It eases muscle pain and cramps and helps to remove lactic acid and increase circulation. On the skin, it helps to balance oily conditions and to clear inflammation and fights fungal infections.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub.

Health Benefits

A tropical cucumber family plant that is edible and has a fibrous structure that is used as an abrasive to wash and remove dead skin cells.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Toner.

Health Benefits

It is an aromatic herb with cooling and sedative properties, while having anti-viral, anti-biotic and insect-repellent effects. Useful to ease nervous tension and restore calmness, with excellent antiviral properties, it is great to treat fever blisters and shingles.

DJK Products

DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub.

Health Benefits

With anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is most useful in treating broken capillaries and veins under the skin’s surface, improving elasticity, while stimulating cellular activity and new cell growth.

DJK Products

DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

One of the components of kigelia africana fruit extract that assists in wound healing and also has cancer-fighting properties.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Face Wash, DJK Holistic Body Wash, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub, DJK Intensive Tissue oil.

Health Benefits

Benefits of olive oil for skin:

Antioxidant protection
Olive oil contains three major antioxidants: vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols. Antioxidants, when topically applied, may help protect the skin from premature skin aging. Vitamin E partly accounts for the anti-aging benefits of olive oil because it helps restore skin smoothness and protects against ultraviolet light. Hydroxytyrosol, a rather rare compound found in olive oil, also prevents free radical damage to the skin.

Doesn’t clog pores
Unlike commercial moisturisers that can clog pores and exacerbate current skin conditions, olive oil penetrates deeply into the skin while providing a cleansing effect. Try using organic olive oil at night as a substitute for your regular moisturiser. Apply a teaspoon of the oil to the face and neck. Gently pat the skin with a paper towel to wipe away any excess oil.

Enhances exfoliation
Another one of olive oil’s benefits for skin is its usefulness in exfoliating applications. A common exfoliating method using olive oil is to mix 1 tablespoon of the oil with natural sea salt, rubbing this mixture over the skin. The mild abrasive qualities of the sea salt, combined with the deep, penetrating action of the oil, will remove dead skin cells and leave the epidermis looking renewed and glowing.

General beauty booster
Olive oil is also used for nail and cuticle care, and many women use it as an eye makeup remover. Further applications include using it as an ingredient in homemade facial masks. One other interesting application for both men and women is the substitution of olive oil for shaving cream. Many men have abandoned shaving cream once they discovered how close a shave they can get with olive oil. Men and women alike have also found its refreshing qualities make it an excellent aftershave.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

The topical application can have a number of hugely positive effects on the skin. The most important being, boosting lipid content and the repair of the skin’s barrier function. This helps protect delicate skin, improves moisture levels and helps the skin retain its own moisture which all lead to improved softness and elasticity. Topical application of omegas are particularly beneficial to dry skin, conditions such as eczema and during extreme weather conditions, such as cold and wind, both of which can strip away at the skin’s lipid barrier.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

The topical application can have a number of hugely positive effects on the skin. The most important being, boosting lipid content and the repair of the skin’s barrier function. This helps protect delicate skin, improves moisture levels, and helps the skin retain its own moisture which all leads to improved softness and elasticity. Topical application of omegas are particularly beneficial to dry skin, conditions such as eczema and during extreme weather conditions, such as cold and wind, both of which can strip away at the skin’s lipid barrier.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

The topical application can have a number of hugely positive effects on the skin. The most important being, boosting lipid content and the repair of the skin’s barrier function. This helps protect delicate skin, improves moisture levels and helps the skin retain its own moisture which all leads to improved softness and elasticity. Topical application of omegas are particularly beneficial to dry skin, conditions such as eczema and during extreme weather conditions, such as cold and wind, both of which can strip away at the skin’s lipid barrier.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Baby Water, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Potassium sorbate is a mild preservative being used in cosmetic and skincare formulas as a paraben to prevent or retard the growth of micro-organisms and protect products from spoiling. Developed from sorbic acid, which is naturally found in the berries of the mountain ash tree.

DJK Products

DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm, DJK Holistic Toner, DJK Holistic Face Mask, DJK Charcoal Face Mask.

Health Benefits

Use phytosterols for dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, sunburn, and psoriasis. Phytosterols have anti-irritation and anti-inflammatory activity. They will help repair damaged skin and condition both skin and hair. Phytosterols will also regulate and normalise turnover of skin cells and improve dry skin. It can help with skin damage produced by radiotherapy, scars, and keloids. This phytosterol complex includes beta sitosterol, campestrol, and stigmasterol. The stigmasterol has skin lightening activity and may prevent some types of skin cancer.

DJK Products

DJK Baby Water, DJK Holistic Toner.

Health Benefits

Rooibos contains vitamins and minerals such as zinc, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. Rooibos contains polyphenols, which is known to be anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. All of those long words mean cancer-fighting properties as well as immune system strengtheners, one thing which is known to help with anti-cancer treatments. Indeed, there is some evidence that Rooibos’ components quercetin and luteolin could prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke. Its component rutin has been seen to help with the maintenance of blood vessels walls.

The leaves of the plant have alpha hydroxy in them, which benefits for the skin. Cuts, abrasions, rashes, acne, eczema and sunburn are just a few of the conditions that would benefit from the use of rooibos. Not only that, but alpha hydroxy has shown substantial evidence of helping with the aging process. When made into tea, it is not acidic, unlike normal black tea that contains tannins, meaning that infants can drink the tea with milk to put them to sleep. Yet another benefit of Rooibos tea lies in its flavonoid content. Flavonoids have the anti-spasmodic properties highly sought by asthmatics, those with bronchial problems requiring a bronchodilator, and those suffering from allergies. Anti-inflammatory properties help in these cases.

DJK Products

DJK Baby Water, DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, all DJK Body Butters, DJK Arthro–Ease Balm, Kigelia Body Balm, Kigelia Face Moisturiser.

Health Benefits

The astringent qualities of rose hip oil makes it a valuable addition in cosmetic preparations. It has the ability to help regenerate new skin cells. This can be used to treat scars, acne and burns. While it is an astringent, it does not dry out the skin; actually it helps to rehydrate it, keeping the moisture in. Drinking rose hip tea daily will also benefit your skin. Rose hips have a high vitamin A content. Vitamin A is commonly referred to as the ‘skin vitamin’. It helps to regenerate skin cells, healing wounds and scars. It also helps to keep the skin elastic and nourished. This will not only prevent wrinkles, but can actually help to minimise any that have already appeared.

The vitamin A is also beneficial to the immune system. It can help to prevent infections from both bacteria and viruses. It helps the immune system to fight off any infections that do occur too.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Shampoo, DJK Holistic Conditioner.

Health Benefits

Rosemary is a tonic, astringent, restorative herb with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its analgesic properties are useful for treating rheumatism, arthritis and sore stiff muscles.

On the skin in anti-aging products, it has a tightening effect and reduces bloating and puffiness.

In hair care, it stimulates hair growth and fights scalp problems.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Toner, DJK Baby Water.

Health Benefits

Rose water can bring benefits to all skin types. It can help soothe and cool sensitive and irritated skin, balance and cleanse oily skin, rejuvenate, soften and tone mature skin, revitalise and add beautiful glow to the normal skin. Rose water is filled with anti-oxidants and various vitamins, therefore, it can help prevent the signs of ageing and nourish the skin.

Rose water also has natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

DJK Products

DJK Body Butter, DJK Baby Oil.

Health Benefits

Considered a cooling and calming aromatic herb, it has astringent, analgesic and antiseptic properties.

Most useful in skin disorders, sandalwood essential oil helps to moisturise and hydrate ageing, dry or flaky skin, relieving itching and inflammation and its astringent action balances oily skin conditions.

DJK Products

DJK Body Butter, DJK Baby Butter.

Health Benefits

Shea butter has shown to be a superb moisturiser, with exceptional healing properties for the skin. The moisturisers in shea butter are the same moisturisers produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. The positive biochemical and physiological effect shea butter has on skin injuries makes this cream ideal for wound healing. Shea Butter will provide improvement in various conditions — dry skin, skin rash, skin peeling, after tanning, blemishes and wrinkles, itching skin, sunburn, shaving cream for a smooth silky shave, small skin wounds, skin cracks, tough or rough skin on feet, cold weather, frost bites, stretch mark prevention during pregnancy, insect bites, healthy skin, muscle fatigue, aches and tension for before and after strenuous exercise, skin allergies such as poison ivy or poison oak, eczema, dermatitis.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Baby Water, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Sodium benzoate is a food grade preservative used to protect and preserve cosmetics from attack by micro-organisms. It is the sodium salt of benzoic acid which is a naturally occurring acid found in apples, plums, prunes and cranberries.

DJK Products

DJK HA Serum, DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Body Butter, DJK Arthro Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Mosturiser, DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in the collagen of your skin, and helps to retain over a 1000 times its weight in water within the cells of your skin, making it an incredibly beneficial moisturiser additive. In fact, no other biological substance can retain as much water as HA, which results in smooth skin, lessening the appearance and even creation of wrinkles. Also, HA has the ability to remove waste matter from cells, with its antioxidant properties. It is a naturally occurring product produced by our bodies in abundance when we are young but this slows down as we age and supplementing this becomes important in anti-ageing products.

Topical preparations of HA not only hydrate the epidermal layer of the skin, but they also permeate deeper into the dermal layer, restoring its visco-elasticity and wiping away fine lines and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid serum is also known to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and various pollutants.

DJK Products

DJK HA Serum, DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Body Butter, DJK Arthro Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser, DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in the collagen of your skin, and helps to retain over a 1000 times its weight in water within the cells of your skin, making it an incredibly beneficial moisturiser additive. In fact, no other biological substance can retain as much water as HA, which results in smooth skin, lessening the appearance and even creation of wrinkles. Also, HA has the ability to remove waste matter from cells, with its antioxidant properties. It is a naturally occurring product produced by our bodies in abundance when we are young but this slows down as we age and supplementing this becomes important in anti-ageing products.

Topical preparations of HA not only hydrate the epidermal layer of the skin, but they also permeate deeper into the dermal layer, restoring its visco-elasticity and wiping away fine lines and wrinkles. Hyaluronic Acid serum is also known to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and various pollutants.

DJK Products

DJK Arthro-Ease Balm.

Health Benefits

The therapeutic properties of spearmint oil include antiseptic, restorative and stimulant. On the skin it can relieve the itching and helps with acne, dermatitis and congested skin.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Body Butter, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Stearic acid is a naturally occurring waxy solid found in high levels in cocoa butter and shea butter and at lower levels in most plant oils. It is used to emulsify oils into water.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser, DJK Kigelia Body Balm, DJK Body Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease Balm.

Health Benefits

Therapeutic properties include anti-Inflammatory, anti-oxidant, emollient, muscle relaxation and anti-dandruff. It locks moisture inside the skin and slowly heals dry skin conditions so the skin becomes more elastic and uniform in texture. Helps in psoriasis, eczema and other forms of dermatitis — helping the skin heal faster and better. Also effectively removes makeup.

Excellent for hair health as well — it is a treatment for dandruff and dry, parched scalps.

DJK Products

DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Charcoal Face Wash.

Health Benefits

Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful immune stimulant oils and helps fight infections of all kinds and helps clear the skin. It is an antiseptic herb with antifungal and antibacterial properties.

On the skin, it clears acne, oily skin, cold sores, blemishes, diaper rash, sunburn and infected wounds, while fighting dandruff on the scalp.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Shampoo.

Health Benefits

Properties include astringent, aromatic, anti-septic, and anti-fungal. It can be used externally for arthritis, rheumatism and fungal infections.

It is also used as a hair tonic to invigorate and stimulate hair growth, treating dandruff and hair loss.

DJK Products

DJK Baby Wash and Shampoo, DJK Hypoallergenic Face Wash, DJK Hypoallergenic Body Wash.

Health Benefits

Vanilla extract is the natural extract obtained from the vanilla bean and pod. It comprises mainly vanillin but contains many other compounds. Although used mainly for flavour and aroma it has properties that are beneficial to skin health.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Vitamin A is commonly referred to as the ‘skin vitamin’. It helps to regenerate skin cells, healing wounds and scars. It also helps to keep the skin elastic and nourished. This will not only prevent wrinkles, but can actually help to minimise any that have already appeared. Vitamin A is also beneficial to the immune system. It can help prevent infections from both bacteria and viruses. It also helps the immune system to fight off any infections that do occur.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a key structural protein of the skin. Adding vitamin C to a culture of skin cells (fibroblasts) dramatically increases the synthesis of collagen. Secondly, vitamin C is an antioxidant and can help reduce skin damage caused by free radicals. So, when vitamin C is properly delivered into skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Helps restore radiance, elasticity, bounce, and moisture to the skin.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

Topical vitamin E creams help decrease the roughness of skin, the depth of wrinkles, and the length of facial lines.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Body Butter, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30, DJK Baby Butter, DJK Arthro-Ease, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser and DJK Kigelia Body Balm.

Health Benefits

The oil is very high in vitamin E and essential fatty acids and because of its high vitamin E content, which is a natural antioxidant, helps to prevent rancidity and is often added to other carrier oils to help lengthen their shelf life and to prevent them going off.

When it is applied topically onto the skin it helps to promote the formation of new cells, improves circulation, and it helps repair sun damage to the skin. It is also used to help relieve the symptoms of dermatitis.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Toner.

Health Benefits

A superb astringent herb with slight aromatic properties, it is used as a general skin tonic to reduce inflammation, treat skin irritations, clarify skin and shrink pores.

A natural cleanser and toner, it tightens skin and reduces the irritation and appearance of acne.

The anti-inflammatory properties of witch hazel make it an effective and safe remedy for soothing pain from diaper rash. Regular application will also assist in healing damaged skin faster, further reducing your baby’s discomfort.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Shampoo, DJK Holistic Shaving Gel, DJK Holistic Face Scrub, DJK Holistic Body Scrub, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Face Mask, DJK Charcoal Mask.

Health Benefits

In personal care products, xanthan gum is used to prepare water gels. Is also used in oil-in-water emulsions to help stabilise the oil droplets against coalescence, and has some skin hydrating properties.

DJK Products

DJK Holistic Day Moisturiser, DJK Holistic Night Moisturiser, DJK Young Adult Serum, DJK Intensive Tissue Oil, DJK Baby Oil, DJK Kigelia Face Moisturiser.

Health Benefits

It can be used on all skin types, as it balances sebum production and has a toning and stimulating effect on the skin.

Ylang-ylang oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action treats skin irritation, over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more hair growth.

This essential oil is also said to act as a natural insect repellent, promote wound healing and diminish the appearance of scars when applied to the skin.

DJK Products

DJK Organic Sunscreen SPF30.

Health Benefits

Zinc oxide has had a long history of use as a sun protection. It offers broad-spectrum protection, shielding you from both UVB rays, which cause sunburn, and UVA rays, which penetrate more deeply and may be more dangerous in terms of causing skin cancer.